20 Resources That’ll Make Your Business Better

Mitch Alverson

Business Layout Pack

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut lorem orci. Proin eget facilisis tortor. Cras ipsum sapien, ornare vitae magna eget, molestie finibus tortor. Proin sed lacus id nunc facilisis volutpat. Mauris cursus neque leo, eu iaculis lorem molestie sit amet. Cras euismod velit pretium, euismod felis at, tempor dolor. Vestibulum posuere et turpis sed convallis. Sed euismod vehicula bibendum. Integer tempus erat non nunc pretium facilisis. Nunc sodales nisi vel felis maximus fermentum sed sit amet est.

Vestibulum porta diam in nisl euismod sodales. Morbi dictum nisi orci, ac blandit lectus pellentesque in. Nunc convallis orci est, quis efficitur lectus aliquam eu. In eu bibendum diam. Nulla id vehicula metus. Fusce dictum luctus pellentesque. Morbi interdum ultrices ex, sit amet molestie dolor bibendum bibendum. Etiam dui leo, finibus ac rutrum ut, semper id dolor.

Praesent in ligula at arcu laoreet pulvinar iaculis nec arcu. Nam dapibus venenatis hendrerit. Donec consectetur velit ante, quis dignissim massa interdum non. Ut vel sapien lacinia massa interdum semper eleifend condimentum lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sagittis eros quis interdum lobortis. Vivamus eros massa, pellentesque ut consequat ut, laoreet eu arcu. Quisque vehicula nec enim sit amet placerat. Duis eu tortor a sem tincidunt consectetur. Duis nunc urna, interdum in imperdiet eu, vestibulum vitae urna. Duis dapibus, velit sed fringilla dapibus, neque purus lacinia neque, at consectetur odio tellus ac nisl. Aliquam consectetur nulla vitae ipsum tincidunt blandit. Proin eleifend maximus lectus, et rhoncus enim iaculis vel. Fusce lobortis ex sit amet dapibus porta. Morbi sed malesuada ex.

Fusce vehicula ipsum vitae neque molestie molestie. Vivamus cursus elit at nulla congue congue. Suspendisse potenti. Sed faucibus aliquam bibendum. Quisque id vehicula enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi porta mollis malesuada. Curabitur metus nisl, pulvinar et consequat sit amet, mattis at lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent laoreet pulvinar massa, nec sodales risus. Nulla sit amet nibh pharetra, facilisis quam sed, molestie elit. Aliquam tellus eros, mattis non ante eget, viverra tempus metus. Vivamus metus leo, dictum ut mi vitae, consequat porta libero.

Integer vitae commodo mi. Vivamus sit amet ultrices nibh, faucibus consectetur diam. In rutrum, metus id laoreet accumsan, neque dui imperdiet ante, ac cursus ipsum erat vitae est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed pulvinar, augue ac dictum viverra, massa diam accumsan ante, ut consectetur nisl quam sit amet enim. Suspendisse libero turpis, iaculis mollis quam non, lacinia blandit felis. Aenean vel faucibus ipsum. Proin ornare massa in lacus suscipit varius. Mauris malesuada, diam nec consectetur blandit, turpis odio tempus quam, a interdum massa lectus posuere ante. Vivamus non libero vel nisl dictum tincidunt. Duis congue pharetra sagittis. Praesent sodales, orci sed laoreet accumsan, felis nulla tincidunt tortor, ac feugiat felis mi et lectus. Vivamus quis justo nec ipsum efficitur facilisis. Nullam quis metus ut neque posuere aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Sed ornare congue sem, at venenatis libero varius vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus urna odio, posuere sit amet ipsum et, ultrices euismod sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas dapibus, diam eu fermentum tempus, augue libero ornare ligula, vel mattis mauris leo rhoncus lectus. Donec condimentum urna ut sapien posuere tincidunt. Sed vehicula leo venenatis neque sodales gravida. Curabitur neque dui, porta quis gravida sit amet, malesuada eget dui. Fusce eleifend varius dolor, eu varius magna congue ut. Quisque non urna nisl. Phasellus eget iaculis felis. Nullam sed convallis ante. Nullam tincidunt maximus arcu vel finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Duis ac accumsan arcu. In sagittis nibh nisi, sit amet ultricies massa lobortis et. Integer in rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum dictum ultricies ipsum. Nam eu accumsan nulla, eget sollicitudin velit. Vestibulum diam mi, egestas non mattis sed, iaculis a tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam in ante ac metus aliquet dictum. Mauris cursus lacus id augue efficitur, a placerat leo scelerisque. Nam pharetra ullamcorper dapibus. Quisque vitae nulla tellus. Nullam velit arcu, lobortis ut ipsum ac, ultricies condimentum justo. Integer tristique ex ac augue vestibulum tincidunt. Quisque auctor ex in erat iaculis, non lacinia tortor ultrices. Aliquam cursus rhoncus velit, eu accumsan lorem eleifend ut. Duis sed velit metus.

  • Morbi aliquam sem in odio feugiat volutpat.
  • Quisque maximus diam ac sagittis ultricies.
  • Donec posuere, enim eget viverra viverra, sapien metus
  • Vulputate nulla, eget viverra lorem augue eget eros
  • Vestibulum eget suscipit nunc, a iaculis ex.
  • Integer sollicitudin dapibus lectus, vel vehicula massa suscipit in.


Duis fermentum ac eros vel semper. Pellentesque sagittis dui libero, non ornare tellus ullamcorper non. Donec cursus, erat vitae ultrices accumsan, erat ligula molestie justo, eget iaculis velit mauris sed velit. Phasellus dictum in tortor vel tempor. Cras gravida eget tortor at ultrices. Pellentesque non gravida nulla. In nunc augue, varius ut sem vitae, vulputate dapibus libero.

Etiam vel orci vestibulum erat porttitor blandit eu eu lorem. Vivamus ultrices placerat accumsan. Cras ac dolor nec nunc venenatis sollicitudin. Nam lacus enim, euismod ac lorem ac, vehicula tempor mi. Maecenas auctor vel odio cursus scelerisque. In mauris turpis, pellentesque ut tempor non, egestas vel risus. Donec a elementum purus. Sed vitae dolor eget ligula fermentum lobortis et quis odio. Donec sed dolor non erat pretium fringilla eget eu nulla. Phasellus tempor luctus felis, ut hendrerit ante facilisis vitae. Pellentesque viverra tristique odio non bibendum.








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Vivamus sit amet ultrices nibh, faucibus consectetur diam. In rutrum, metus id laoreet accumsan.

Contact Us
Monica J
I am a previous resident of the Starts With Love, clean and sober housing. I first remember meeting Stefanie and Aaron during a...
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Monica J.
I am a previous resident of the Starts With Love, clean and sober housing. I first remember meeting Stefanie and Aaron during a tour of their beautiful home. I was fresh out of treatment and very picky about housing. From the very beginning, they were very welcoming with support and love. I moved in the day after my tour. While living in their program I found so much support. All the house members were welcoming and caring, and we were a big family very quickly. I have missed the sense of security for many years during my addiction, so having comfort in the place I called home was joyful. While living there I got Covid and spent Christmas with one house member, shortly after I lost my best friend, Janna, to Covid. I have never experienced something so tragic and got through it clean and sober. I am truly grateful for Stefanie and the members of the house who sat with me and didn’t let me go through that alone. I moved out a few weeks later only because my son was returning to me and I could not have him live there. It's not for children. If children could be approved, I know I would still live there today. I would recommend this program to anyone willing to give their recovery 100%.
Monica J
Monica J.
Eli M

I want to say Thank You for giving me the opportunity to stay at the house. It was a very positive experience ...

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Eli M

I want to say Thank You for giving me the opportunity to stay at the house. It was a very positive experience for me, and the things I learned while I was there, have helped me to grow in many different aspects. It helped me to become, and be, in a very comfortable place in my life early in my recovery. The people that I became friends with and shared the experience with, while I was living there, had, and have, a very profound impact on me. Thank You for having the foundation that you have, that made that possible for me on my journey. I will never forget it! And Thank You for all the support that you were able to give me and for being so understanding of the things I went through, while I was there!

Eli M
Eli M
Kevin M

I will never forget the day I called Stefanie Womble, owner, and creator of the Starts With Love Foundation...

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Kevin M

I will never forget the day I called Stefanie Womble, owner, and creator of the Starts With Love Foundation. Coming into her sober living home, I was embraced with a smile and conversation that would start a fire in my soul! I was amazed at the location and design, & vibe! The home is amazing! The men and women that were already on their way with sobriety and a plan, took my weakness and fear and showed me that I was enough! Rooms are spacious, clean, and organized! I am a huge foodie and cooking for people has always been my jam! So the kitchen space was big enough for us to move and groove & was the main space to hang and learn about each other! Eating, talking, morning coffee, and meditations are the norm! The huge pool space and yard out back were a great way to unwind and relax! Programming was pretty easy to navigate with our weekly requirements of meetings using a very modern EHR. Staff was able to allow us the freedom to choose from hundreds of meetings during the week both online and in person. Learning to identify with life and my challenge of separating myself from everything I knew wasn’t as hard as I thought. Beginning each day and looking at myself and who I no longer wanted to be was easy being under the supervision of a house of equally challenging personalities looking to become more alive! I highly recommend this program and vision! It continues to be a success because the people that come through here know the moment they arrive that this is a home with a heart that gets the work done! I always wanted to do something that no one else could do, the way no one else can do it! NOW I AM!!! It always starts with love and with her that love continues today as many pass through these doors on their way to a better life! It might even be you that finds it!!! Thanks so much.

Kevin M
Kevin M